LEADER: This is the day the Lord has made: ALL: Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
LEADER: Christ is risen, alleluia! ALL: Christ is truly risen, alleluia!
LEADER: Joyfully do we praise you, Lord Jesus Christ. Risen from the grave, you appeared to your disciples in the breaking of the bread. Remain here with us as we share these gifts. May we receive you as a guest in all our brothers and sisters and be welcomed by you to share the feast of your Spirit, for you live and reign forever and ever. ALL: Amen. Alleluia.
+ all make the Sign of the Cross
From: Blessings and Prayers through the Year; A Resource for School, Parish, and Home, Elizabeth McMahon Jeep
Earth Day for Catholic Families
Here is a wonderful article, with links to many good resources, about putting a Catholic spin on Earth Day. Even though our calendar says that Earth Day is April 22, EVERY day is Earth Day. We live on Earth; we need the Earth, and Earth needs us. As Pope Francis says, it is our "common home." We need to take care of it -- and each other -- every day of the year!
Celebrate Easter All 50 Days!
Here are some ideas from a veteran catechist that are all applicable to the home. Many of them are things you would do in the spring anyway, but maybe you hadn't thought of them as opportunities to talk with your children about the Easter season. Alleluia!