Click here for a wonderful article about a parent's role in naming moments of grace as they lead their household of faith!
Sacramental Symbols
As we explore the sacramental life of the Church this year in our Faith Formation sessions, we have a rich resource in the many symbols associated with the seven Sacraments. We know well that one of the ways children learn best is by engaging their senses, and the sights, sounds, smells, etc. associated with the Sacraments provide us with a lot of material!
At home, families have all kinds of opportunities to engage with the everyday “stuff” of sacramental symbols. Here are a few ideas to get you started…
Water – how many ways do we use water each and every day? Brainstorm all the ways that water is necessary for life and good health. Listen to the sounds of water; smell rain and other water sources; taste water, feel it on your skin.
Oil – Again, brainstorm all the kinds of oils we use – cooking oils, lotions, sunscreen, essential oils, first aid ointment, etc. Notice how oils look, feel, smell, and taste (when appropriate).
Touch – Not all sacramental symbols are things. Some are gestures, and several of the Sacraments involve the laying on of hands or some other touch. Talk with your child about all the gestures we make with our hands – waving “hello” or “good bye,” shaking hands, hugging, clapping, blessing… see how many more you can come up with!
This is just a short list to start the conversations about symbols. As this year unfolds, we will be exploring those symbols together at our Faith Formation sessions and offering more ideas for families to engage those symbols on this page. God can and does use all of creation to communicate love and grace to us – remember to be open to those moments of grace and to help your child to notice them with you.